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Term Dates

Please refer to the document below or our Calendar for term dates and events. 

Holiday and Staff Training Dates 2024/2025

Calderdale School Term Dates, (Link to Website)Calderdale School Term Dates

 Pupil Leave of Absence in Exceptional Circumstances During Term Time

A leave of absence application form can be downloaded below or obtained from the School Office at either site. It should be completed by the parent/carer and returned to the school as far in advance as possible and at least 6 weeks before the first date of the period of leave being requested.

Parents/carers must obtain the school's permission before making any arrangements for leave in exceptional circumstances, otherwise the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

The Education regulations state that applications for leave must be made in advance by a parent/carer with whom the child lives and can only be authorised by the Headteacher in exceptional circumstances.

Each application will be considered individually by the school. Parent/carers who take a child on leave in term time without the permission of the school risk being issued with a Penalty Notice for unauthorised absences.

No holidays will be authorised during SATs week, which usually occurs during May.

Government Legislation Regarding Leave of Absence

Application Form for Leave of Absence During Term Time