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Staff - Meet the Team

Senior Leadership Team

Leadership Team (ID 1052)

Early Years Foundation Service (EYFS) and Teaching Staff 

Nursery - Owlets, (Age 2)

Nursery - Owlets (ID 1248)

 Nursery - Little Owls, (Age 3 and 4)

Nursery - Little Owls (ID 1053)

  Reception - Tawny Owl and Barn Owl


 Year 1 - Robin and Sparrow


 Year 2 - Starling and Wren


 Year 3 - Heron and Puffin


Year 4 - Kingfisher and Kestrel


Year 5 - Finch and Nightingale


 Year 6 - Blue Jay and Red Kite

 Administrative and Support Team

Administrative and Support Team (ID 1267)

