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SEN & Disability

At Longroyde Primary School we are committed to ensuring that all children make progress irrespective of their level of need and the barriers to learning they might encounter. We have high expectations for all our pupils and want them to achieve the best that they can. Supportive working relationships with parents and close involvement of pupils in all aspects of their learning help us to deliver the best opportunities for the future. Please find further details in our SEND Policy Documents.

Calderdale Local Offer Link for Further Information

Longroyde Primary School Annual SEND Report 2022/2023 (Impact Report)

Longroyde Primary School SEND Report 2023/2024

SEND Policy - Updated November 2023

Government's Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Web Page.



I would like to share what a lovely experience we have had with Longroyde Primary School after moving house just over a year ago with a year four child with dyslexia. I have nothing but good things to say about the support she has received, not just with her education but with her mental well-being. We have been welcomed into the school and been made to feel like part of the Longroyde School Family. The school has a great teaching plan which ensure the child has grasped the work learnt in the morning before moving on, giving the children time to go over the mornings work in the afternoon if needed. I love the schools love of music and has reasonably priced music lessons allowing any child who wants to learn the chance to learn and instrument .

The Nicholson Family