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PE & Sports Premium

The Government has given every Primary School funding to develop Physical Education and Competitive Sport. 

PE - Year Overview

Government Website - PE & Sports Premium

Longroyde Primary School PE & Sports Premium

Longroyde Primary School Action Points for Previous Years



Look into First Aid training to be included within the PE curriculum, ensuring all access this before leaving school
Tackle the Active 30:30 initiative for both in school and out of school provision through range of clubs offered (boosting interest within school to continue). Also looking at in class sports e.g. active multiplication and super movers
Improve relationships in sport with parents by looking into what parents want and how we can achieve this with family learning
Developing our play leaders for school playgrounds at break and dinner times by upskilling staff members and providing CPD of trained staff
Training for Daily Mile to ensure delivered correctly and most efficiently
Look into PP children and ensuring breakfast alongside healthy lifestyle opportunities – training for staff and money to be spent on a club e.g. magic breakfast
Look to increase physical activity in both key stages after EHNA report – diminishing barriers to feeling embarrassed or not enough opportunity to try
Develop our curriculum intent to support 2019/20 curriculum e.g. life skills, resilience and winning at life
Opportunities to develop sporting culture and resilience within this, money to be spent on rewards and achievements / acknowledgements


Developed our health day into wellness week, to work alongside PSHE and local businesses e.g. Tesco
Break and lunch time clubs to support behaviour and health / fitness – money spent to gain staff but also up level staff
Sports Day organised and money allocated to celebrate achievements in sport and also promote competition within sport
Developed a new curriculum which is skill based and allows competitive situations for children to experience a wider range of sports – coaches and professionals to be in school to support skill application / local visits
Profession coaches e.g. tennis
More equipment to allow for better provision in lessons and curriculum time – getting more children involved and also excited to take part
After school clubs e.g. tennis, football and judo
Questionnaire sent out to see what parents and children were interested in
CPD of staff
Swimming provided for Year 4 pupils
Playground markings


The dedicated primary PE and Sport Premium goes directly to primary school head teachers so that they can decide how best to use it to provide sporting activities for pupils. Primary Schools around England are already using the premium to:
Up-skill teachers to improve the quality of sport lessons
Invest in quality coaching
Provide more opportunities for pupils to take part in inter-school competitions
Offer more after-school clubs
Purchase better equipment
Introduce new and unusual sports like fencing, climbing, ultimate Frisbee and Danish long-ball to encourage more children to enjoy sports
Improve sport teaching for children with special educational needs
Deliver holiday and weekend activities
Boost Change4Life clubs, helping children build a healthier lifestyle
Improve academic outcomes for children

What Funding is Available?
Grant Allocation Received £18,706
What have we done?
Currently, the school curriculum provides our children with a wide range of learning opportunities in games, dance, gymnastics, athletics, swimming and outdoor & adventurous activities. At Longroyde, we have used the premium to invest in quality coaching and CPD for members of staff. We see this as a valuable investment to improve the confidence in delivery of the curriculum and to offer a range of additional sporting opportunities that children may not access outside of school. Purchasing enhanced equipment has also been a priority to ensure sports at Longroyde are safe, enjoyable and exciting. The equipment purchased included Movema World in a Box and footballs, children have enjoyed using these in both curriculum lessons and after school clubs, endorsing inter-house matches and higher quality coaching with greater number of participants accessing the activities offered.

Our school also currently offers children opportunities to focus on fitness through the Daily Mile and Super Movers programmes to better fitness and performance across both KS1 and KS2. We have also worked hard to offer opportunities for children that go beyond the curriculum requirements such as a variety of sports clubs; judo, cheerleading, dance, jumping clay, drama, bricks4kids, football and gymnastics.

The actions break down as follows:
Please note, this is a working document thus, items are to be amended, as sporting provision is adapted and adjusted.

To provide pupils with high quality sports schooling during PE lessons and provide staff with CPD opportunities.
Rastrick Tennis Club professional coaching for Year 3 £500
Rastrick Tennis Club professional coaching CPD for Year 3 staff £180
Professional Sports Coaches delivering curriculum lessons for all year groups £11,000
Professional Sports Coaches delivering lunch time sporting activities
Miss Carter and Mr Clarke delivered CPD for KS1 and KS2 to manage sports equipment safely and use correctly
Additional equipment for playtimes £300

Impact: Professional coaching has promoted healthier lifestyles and influenced children to take up an additional or new sporting activity outside of school, using free taster sessions to promote physical activity amongst younger children. Teachers are also able to replicate the delivery of high quality education, becoming upskilled in knowledge of the curriculum resources available and delivery of this. Children have been happier and healthier on the playground at lunch times through taking an active involvement in the activities offered. Re-thought PE programme enables all children to have access a range of sporting activities and ensures that skills are built on throughout the years to master and utilise in competitive game conditions.

To arrange a wide range of after school sports clubs suiting all interests.
Judo, cheerleading, dance, jumping clay, drama, bricks4kids, football and gymnastics offered as afterschool activities £5000
Inter-house matches held afterschool and overseen by school staff
Medals and equipment £600
Impact: A wider range of after-school curriculum activities provided to interest different gender, age and abilities offered to all children at KS1 and KS2. Providing inter-house matches has promoted healthy competition and given children goals to work towards achieving as part of a team.

To collect data of sporting activity of pupils within and out of school.


Data collected for both KS1 and KS2 of children who take part in sports clubs within school

Impact: This data has shown number of children who participate in a sports activity offered as an afterschool activity based on gender, pupil premium, SEN etc. while showing the popularity of activities offered. This target carried forward to 2018/19 to look at the impact and diversity of sporting activities accessed outside of school by Longroyde pupils.

To replenish sports equipment, encouraging participation and improving sports undertaken.
New footballs purchased at KS2 site
Sainsbury’s Active Kids order for KS1 and KS2
Movema World in a Box for KS1 and KS2 £300
Organised sports shed and equipment arranged safely and appropriately £260
Shed equipment £350 / £200
Impact: Through replenishment of sporting equipment and resources all children are now able to access high quality resources and use these within lessons to ensure all children are active and on task. Staff and children are able to access the sports shed safely and securely.

To address needs of dance within the curriculum and deliver CPD to train staff.
Purchase of Movema World in a Box
CPD delivered to KS2 staff
Medium Term planning updated

Staff feel more confident and upskilled with delivering high quality dance lessons. All children have access to up to date dance provision that also promotes other areas of the school curriculum, promoting cross-curricular approaches.

Further Swimming sessions for another year group.
Action: Target carried forward to 2018/19 sports premium.

Future Sports Coaching session.
Application for Sports Lottery Funding to submit April 18
Rastrick Tennis Club, professional coaching for Year 1

Impact: Target carried forward to 2018/19 sports premium

To continue to develop the all-weather pitch.
Action: Target carried forward to 2018/19 sports premium.