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Governing Body


Each school in the country has a governing body made up of a group of people who are from various occupations and backgrounds, this is with a view to them all contributing a diverse range of skills and experiences to the successful running of the school. It is responsible for setting the aims and objectives for the school and agreeing monitoring and reviewing policy targets, priorities and performance. It also, in partnership with the headteacher, controls the budget

Information About the Role of School Governor and How to Become One

Governing Body 2023/2024

Name of Governor Governor Capacity Committee
Miss D Parry (Headteacher) Ex Officio Resources/Standards
Ms A Roberts-Brandao (Chair) Local Authority Resources/Standards
Mrs T Kerr (Vice Chair) Co-opted Resources/Standards
Mrs S Goodall Co-opted  Resources
Mrs M Marshall Co-opted Staff Standards
Mrs S Tinker Co-opted Standards
Mrs B Briggs Partnership Standards
Mr D Smith Parent Elected Resources

Further Information