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Longroyde Primary School seeks to meet the needs of the locality through co-operation with parents/guardians and the Local Authority.

Admissions to Reception 

Calderdale Council co-ordinates admissions to all schools within Calderdale. If you live within Calderdale, you must complete a Calderdale on-line application, even if you wish to choose a school outside the Calderdale area as one of your preferences. Parents of children resident outside Calderdale, who want to apply for a Calderdale school, must apply through their home local authority. You can find all the information you require on the Council’s school admissions web page. 


Please note that appeal requests should be directed to the Local Authority after offer date for anyone who has been refused a place.

Further Reception Admissions Information Can Be Found Here

Admissions to Primary Classes

Full time pupils will be admitted at the start of the school year in which they reach the age of five, regardless of ability or aptitude. The classes will be based in seven single age groups.
The number of intended Infant admissions for the years commencing 1st September will be 60. The number of children accepted in Junior classes will be 66. Admissions applied for during the academic year will only be accepted at the beginning of a term or half term.

In-Year Admissions

For all in-year admissions, please submit the In-Year Application Form or contact the School Administrator, Mrs Hall (01484 715300 ext 303) to arrange a tour of our school.

An in-year admission application is one that is made outside of the normal time of transfer between schools, for example when a family moves to a new house part-way through a school year. We will inform you of our decision no later than 15 school days from when you apply. If we cannot offer you a place, we will explain how you can appeal.

Over Subscription

Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit. The Governors will seek to work with the LA on admissions with pupils entering the school.
1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they
became adopted or became the subject of a residence or special guardianship order.
2. Children whose medical or social circumstances prompt admission when supported by appropriate
professional advice e.g. Area Medical Officer, Director of Education or Social Services.
3. Children who have a brother or sister (including half brother/sister and step brother/ sister, residing at
the same address) attending the school at the time of admission.
4. Proximity of the child’s home to the Field Top Site, by straight line measurement, with those living
nearest being accorded the higher priority.
In the event of over-subscription candidates will be placed on a waiting list in the order as defined in the
previous criteria.


Application for admission should be made on the admission form approved by the Governing Body. Documentary evidence should be sought from parents/guardians to justify applications for admissions where appropriate.


Parents/Guardians whose application for the admission of their children to the school is unsuccessful will be advised of their right to appeal.


The Headteacher is responsible for calling meetings of the Admissions Committee when required.

Policy Document

The Admissions Policy aims to maximise, with the agreed accommodation limit, the number of children admitted to the school while maintaining the quality of their education.


I can’t praise Longroyde Primary highly enough. I have twins in year 1 who ended up at the school as a bit of a desperate accident as we weren’t happy with the school they got into and we lost our appeals for the schools we wanted. I am so delighted that this happened and we ended up at this gem of a school. I have been very unwell over the last year and the staff are like extended family to us. I have one child who is desperate to learn and another who really doesn’t want to! Both children have been catered to and have come on leaps and bounds in their time at school. Thank you so much Longroyde School - amazing!!"

Amanda Ogilvie-Berry